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Beauty with Health

Our Evoo


The best Olive Oil is ...
   ... the freshest olive oil!

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

From the Farm to the Table! 




Created specially for those looking for a uniquely fresh taste experience.

Nature provides this treasure of ingredient to us, and what makes it so special relies on the fact that it is pure, untouched, carefully extracted.

It is important to point out that not all olive oils are created equal. Extra virgin olive oil is considered the best grade of olive oil and provides the most health benefits. Why? Because it is the least-processed of all olive oils.

The exceptional taste, flavour and features of our EVOO are the results of our painstaking efforts during the whole production procedure; from cultivation to storage.

We combine traditional methods of cultivation with modern techniques in order to respect the sustainability of the ecosystem.

We still pick our olives by hand just like our parents used to do, seeing that neither the fruit nor the tree is damaged. We use special plastic boxes and take our fruit to the oil press the very same day of its harvest or next day to assure that it retains all its properties until further procedure. We exclusively use the cold extraction method to make sure that the nutritional values as well as the taste and flavour properties of the fruit are transferred into the oil pulp.

We put our product in opaque packing to keep the oil away from light and to preserve its top quality. Finally, we store our product in a cool, dark place and tightly sealed.

With today’s higher consumer interest and demand for healthy, pure, and organic foods, as well as 100% natural flavours, we are committed to seeking out the best Olive Oils to complement and enhance your meals at prices that are very affordable. You will be surprised at how easily you could enhance a simple meal with this premium ingredient, just by drizzling small amounts over the dish prior to serving.

We do everything that is required, so that our oil comes to you exceeding your imagination.

We invite you to try our extra virgin olive oil and treat yourself to the authentic taste.


Features Highlights:

- 100 % Natural.
- Organically Grown.
- Cold pressed from hand picked fresh olives.
- No preservatives, chemicals or additives.
- "Heart Healthy".
- Free fatty acid less than 0.8 %.
- Zero trans fat.



Our luxury extra virgin olive oil is natural, delicious oil that has been enjoyed for thousands of years. It is known around the world for its distinct taste and incredible health benefits because of the abundance of antioxidants and its ability to enhance health and longevity.

We only sell extra virgin olive oil that was made in the current season; so that you always know what you are getting is the freshest olive oil.

Shelf life: Extra virgin olive oil has a shelf life of 18 months.

Storage conditions: store in a cool dark place, and sealed air-tight.

Extra virgin olive oil will only degrade in quality over time, so it’s best when it’s fresh.


We offer the following packing:

- Tin: Available in 16 kg food grade tins.

- Bottles: According to the customer’s requirements.


Private Label

_ We accept private label according to the customers requirements (logo, bottles, label – etc).

_ We can also sell Virgin Olive Oil.