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Welcome Laboratory


Welcome To

Suz Beauty Care Analytical & Services Laboratory

We are proud to introduce our partner laboratory for analysis, consulting and solutions. It found in 1940 as a family oil and soap factory and in 1975, it became as Analytical Services and chemical provider.  The company acquired Industrial Testing Laboratories, an industrial and consumer product testing facility in 1999.


Our facility is ISO 9001 certified. GMP & GLP licensed.


The outstanding quality and precision of  products  not only on the materials and production processes but also on sound analyses in the laboratory, which make it possible to fully tap potential. This know-how and expertise is offered by Laboratory Services from Suz Beauty Care. The laboratory performs routine and non-routine testing, but also can go beyond data to deliver analysis and insight to help you develop solutions. 

Our Analytical Group is an independent laboratory that helps companies solves several problems.

We serve a wide variety of industries by providing analytical, de-formulation (reverse chemical engineering), materials identification, failure analysis, chemical testing, custom synthesis, support and consulting services.

We offer experience, high quality standards and customized approach to analyze and test materials. Our scientists listen to the clients and provide solutions. The Analytical Services' 320 sq. ft. modern laboratory facility is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation in the areas of microscopy, chromatography, spectroscopy and polymer testing. We use a combination of instruments, analytical techniques and methods to solve your problem according your request.

Our goal is to become an extension of your research, product development or quality control team. Clients come to us from a broad range of industries and job functions including QA/QC professionals, CEOs and presidents, production managers, entrepreneurs and R&D specialists.


Our Mission

We will always strive to maintain the highest degree of scientific excellence, Maintain and calibrate instrumentation, quality standards and customer service.

  • Scientific Excellence

Our scientists team designs and implements investigations that result in accurate, reliable data with meaningful interpretations. Our team scientists develop methods for each individual project. Results are confirmed by using more than one analytical technique, which ensures accuracy and quality in findings by collaboration with our client as a process, as a partnership:

  • Problem definition
  • Approach development with time frame
  • Progress updates status
  • Results Discussion with preventive action
  • Quality Interpretation and Reporting

           Final report provides with the followings:

  • After final review and interpretation of all findings in the final report by our Ph.D. scientists. Final deliverable report includes all raw data, spectra, chromatographs, and a description of the analytical methods used as reference.
  • For studies to assist you with taking the next steps for your product development challenges
  • Customer Service

Does your Analytical R&D Team need help?

On top of regular research and development duties, analytical R&D departments are often asked to solve tough problems. Customer service team provides added capacity and increased capabilities to support your company's in-house analytical laboratory.