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The olive tree was a prolific tree with many uses. Because of this, it was considered the tree most worthy of being regarded as “the king of trees.” There is far more mystery and truth hidden about the humble olive than most begin to imagine!
Trees, from ancient times, have had a symbolic meaning, irrespective of whichever culture you look at. There are numerous mythic qualities symbolized by trees, besides common metaphors like the Tree of Life which gives us an idea of the symbolic significance of trees.
There is an ancient tradition that the “tree of life” in the Garden of Eden was an olive tree.
It is the best oil for cooking, for using to make salad dressings, for sautéing foods, and provides many nutritious food factors to our diet.
Olive leaf extract is another recently discovered health supplement which helps the body fight off disease.
The heartiness, ruggedness, and strength of the olive tree made it an ideal symbol of the righteous man.
The olive tree has a long history of symbolism, and there are a number of representations which an olive tree is linked to. It acts as a symbol for reward, victory, strength, purification, fruitfulness, peace, fertility, glory and sanctity.
Even today the olive tree has retained its symbolic power amongst the different cultures and nations.